Lee Field

in his own words


a writer's journey


First off story is king. Without it all the great dialogue or interesting characters doesn't mean a thing.

That brings me to the characters. I find like most people I want a hero or heroine. But I want them broken so badly and emotionally that you wouldn't think they would care about anyone else much less rise to the occasion and save the day. Likewise I want the antagonist to be sympathetic there has to be a reason he/she is doing all this. I want the audience to say "Well if I were in their shoes I'd do the same thing, to hell with all of you." On many levels the hero and bad guy must be a lot alike two sides of the same coin. And perhaps the good guy has to do something even more evil to defeat them. 

Then comes your structure. There is the overall theme, the main problem and how the protagonist solves it. First they are in their ideal little world something happens and throws them out of it and they spend the rest of the story trying to get back to that perfect ideal place. What drives this is dialogue which is where the real art comes in and the most difficult. 

In the end it's all about WORK! WORK! WORK!, WRITE!, WRITE!, WRITE!. Keep your behind s in the seat with the computer, pad and paper, typewriter, cell phone whatever and put stuff down. Brainstorm first any random thought can be turned into a twist or part of the story. Even when you go to sleep at night keep a notepad by your night table.

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Virginia Lager

Ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis


Strong Lager

Architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt


Dark Lager

Eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi


Smoked Lager

Magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem


Strawberry Special

Dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem


Mead Special

Commodi consequatur quis autem


Coffee Special

Voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit


Pineapple Special

Ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt


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